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Power in Weakness

Let the weak say I’m Strong… Face Your Weaknesses

It is hard to appear weak, but the truth is we are all inadequate humans already. When we recognize and admit our weaknesses to each other, we can begin to grow in them and mature. Our shortcomings are no surprise, and they can still be used for making an impact. ATM M. ETIQUETTE EXPO PROGRAM 2015 STEPENSON HIGH (113)


Instead of attempting to be strong, our hope is to approach someone for help in our weak and frail state, requesting their strength to compensate and make us whole. Their willingness gives us what we need, and the process is much smoother when we do not try to fool ourselves and others with false airs of grandeur. Our family and friends, more than probably anyone else, are well acquainted with our weaknesses, so any attempt to cover them up may only produce feelings that are ingenuine. It would be better to accept the help in our weaknesses and look to each other for strength.


Do you respond to someone else weakness with contempt or with Kindness? Try the latter it would have more of an impact.


Where does stress come from? Look in the mirror. Experts say stress is entirely self-imposed—you are the one letting stress get in the way of getting more done. The good news is that if you are creating the stress, you can also control it. You can let stress drive your actions and throw your day off. Or once stress appears, you can address it. You can spend the day getting things done—instead of stressing over how much there is to do. Here’s how to get stress under control.


Wrap up yesterday. Avoid worrying today over something you left uncompleted yesterday. Get it done now and move on to today’s tasks.

Prioritize. Avoid spiraling over everything on your to-do list—prioritize. Items that most impact personal relationships and finances take priority. Attend to these things before you spend time on less urgent ones. This is also a good time to identify matters beyond your control and remove them from the list.


Set realistic deadlines. Avoid tight deadlines. If someone else is setting the deadline, negotiate one that gives you the time you need. The stress of an unrealistic deadline makes it hard to deliver a quality result.

Take breaks. If you find yourself getting worked up about getting something done, stop doing it. Take a five- or ten-minute break to calm down, rest, get fresh air, meditate, pray, or just close your eyes and think of something that makes you happy. You will return to the task with less stress, and the mindset to function more efficiently.


Reduce your daily decisions. Plan out your week, deciding what must be done and when. Schedule regular activities as recurring items in your calendar. Get organized, keeping things you need for certain activities, like workouts, in one place so you skip the task of gathering them each time. The fewer decisions you have to make, the less stressful your life will become.

Get help if you need it. If you have any doubts about your ability to complete a task alone, make the call to ask for help as soon as possible, before you start having difficulties. Another person boosts your productivity and trims your stress (“a worry shared is cut in half”).


Turn off the voices in your head. When things get busy, you might start asking yourself, “What’s happening here? Can I handle it? What if I can’t?” This immediately creates stress. To get out of this predicament, focus on someone else. Consider what they need, what they may be fearing, and how you can help. This quiets your internal voice.

Keep an eye on the big picture. It’s common to stress over things that are less critical than we think. Do what you need to, but before stressing out over it, consider its significance in the big picture. Unless a situation puts you in physical danger, it’s probably not worth getting upset about.

Why are fathers so important to daughters?

Reasons Dads Are So Important to Their Daughters                                                                   Bike 4 Life RR

Much has been written and spoken about the mother-daughter relationship. Unfortunately, dads who are present, supportive, and involved don’t always get the credit that they deserve. This is a shame because the father-daughter relationship isn’t just special. It plays a pivotal role in the growth and development of the child. So, let’s hear it for great dads! Here are some reasons why fathers are so important to their daughters.


1. Dad’s Create the Gold Standard for Future Romantic Relationships

As they get older daughters frequently pick mates who have similar attributes to their father. This means that dads really do model what their daughters learn to expect from relationships. This influence happens in many ways. First, the way dads behave towards their daughter is key. Respectful and supportive fathers who keep their promises teach their daughters to expect that in their relationships. Daughters also see the way their fathers behave in their own romantic relationships. Finally, divorced dads should take note! The way dad’s interact with their former spouse can influence daughter’s as well.


2. A Father’s Love and Acceptance Greatly Impact Future Confidence

Loving fathers who provide praise, support, and unconditional love give their daughters the gift of confidence and high self-esteem. Daughters who have these traits grow into happy, and successful adults. Even better, dads don’t have to go to extraordinary lengths to make this happen. Simply being present, encouraging, and a good listener is often all daughters need to flourish.


3. Girls with Involved Fathers Do Better Academically

Girls with dads who are involved in their educations often do better in school. If dads encourage their children to do well in school, help them when they struggle academically, and give them access to tools such for getting academic assistance, daughters can be amazingly successful. Small acts such as helping with homework or encouraging daughters to take challenging courses can make a big difference. Dads who volunteer in schools demonstrate how important education is.


4. Fathers Often Encourage Their Daughters to Take Risks and Be Adventurous

Whether it’s trying a new sport, enjoying new foods, repairing a car, traveling solo, or even standing up to a bully daughters often get their courage and sense of adventure from their fathers. However, dads must be careful in the way that they approach their daughters in order for them to learn these lessons. Dads are often encouraged to be protectors, fixers, and rescuers. Sometimes this is a good thing. However, in order to raise daughters who are willing to be adventurous, are empowered to solve their own problems, and who feel capable of taking risks, good dads must go against these instincts. Instead, they can focus on telling their daughters that they are capable of doing most anything and empowering them to do so.


5. Supportive Fathers Can Help Improve Their Daughter’s Body Image

At some point, most girls feel less than confident with their bodies. For some, this is a minor thing. Unfortunately, for others, this can escalate. Girls with poor body images may isolate themselves socially, fret over the way they look, and lose confidence. In extreme cases, they may develop depression, anxiety, or eating disorders. While dads aren’t the only people who influence the way their daughters view their own bodies, they do play a very important role. Not only do young girls take in the way that fathers speak to them about how they look, they are also influenced by the way their fathers speak about other’s appearance. Great dads speak respectfully about the way that people look regardless of their body type. Daughters need great fathers. In fact, it would be nearly impossible to overstate the importance of the father-daughter relationship. Young women who have a positive relationship with their fathers achieve more academically. They make better relationship choices. They have high self-esteem. They believe they can achieve their goals, and they understand the importance of working hard in order to do so. Loving, actively involved dads deserve praise and encouragement. They play a big role in turning girls into amazing women. That is something that we all benefit from.